2024Tuata’i | First:20 South Taranaki Artists - selected group show curated by Michaela Stoneman including Aeonian chant V2 (print installation 2024), November ‘24 - January 2025, Lysaght Watt Gallery, Te Ramanui o Ruapūtahanga - Hawera
The Expanded Field of Print - selected PCANZ group exhibition including Rudimentary intuitions - (mixed-media 2024), August-September, NorthArt, Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland
Homework Maunga Auaha: Taranaki Art 2024 - selected group show including Geomorphic ruminations - triptych (mixed-media 2023), July-November, Puke Ariki Museum, Ngāmotu - New Plympouth
Kainga - Home - South Taranaki artists:concepts of home, group show including Sedate metamorphous (waterless lithograph 2021), July-August, Lysaght Watt Gallery, Hawera
Enigma of Life - online group exhibition; ARTDOC Photographic magazine, Anthropocene Epoch-issue 3, June 2023 with Augmented harvest (2021)
Celebration - PCANZ print group show including Aeonian chant (2022), March – June, Aratoi Gallery, Whakaoriori - Masterton
Earthed - with Teresa Peters including selected work from Geological ruminations (2020-2023), April-June, NorthArt, Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland
Suburbia - mothermother iteration 22 - group show including Monumental obsessions (2003-litho print), April-June, NorthArt, Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland
Door, window, world: Maree Horner, J.C. Sturm - Artspace Aotearoa, Feb-April, including selected works from the Familiar monuments series; cupboard, chair, bed, bath, drawers and Chair (1973-2019)
Ground Zero - with Teresa Peters including selected work from Geological ruminations, CAS : contemporary art space, Dec ‘22-Jan ‘23, Ngāmotu - New Plymouth
Homework 3 - group show including Global reverberations, Taranaki Artists, Puke Ariki Museum, Ngāmotu - New Plympouth
Seeing Things in Perspective - International Print Mail Art Project, group show including No bull (waterless lithograph 2021), The Grafein Foundation, Netherlands
HeadOn Photographic Awards - semi-finalist with Baleful landscape (2019-20)
Critical Landscapes - online group exhibition; ARTDOC Photographic magazine, Anthropocene Epoch-issue 4, July 2020 with Baleful landscape (2019-20)
Interval - Group show with various photographs, Lysaght Watt Gallery, Hawera
Collection Show - group show (Ruth Buchanan, ‘The scene in which I find myself/Or where does my bodybelong’ including Diving board (1973-98), Dec ‘19-March ‘20, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, Ngāmotu - New Plymouth.
Small Print Exhibition - PCANZ travelling group show including Here (2019-2020)
Chair, 1973/2019 - Anderson Rhodes Gallery, Ngāmotu - New Plymouth (acquired for AAG collection, 2020)
Groundswell - Avante-garde Auckland 1971-1979 including Diving board (1972-98), Chair 1973, documentation, Auckland City Art Gallery, Dec 2018-March 2019
Necessary substratum - Anderson Rhodes Gallery, Ngāmotu - New Plymouth, Nov-Dec.
Presence - (with Sarah Buist), including ER-bed & ER-cupboard, April-May Anderson Rhodes Gallery, Ngāmotu - New Plymouth.
Boundless - PCANZ print group show including Quintessential impressions 2017 June-August 2017, Pataka Art Gallery, Poirua, Wellington; Aratoi Art Gallery, Masterton, September-November 2017; Waikato Museum May-August 2018
2016 All lines converge - women’s group show including Diving board (1972-98), Chair 1973 – documentation (including Tyre Grid 1970-documentation in catalogue). Dec 2016-March 2017, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, Ngāmotu - New Plymouth
Homework 1 - group show including Perpetual investments – Taranaki Artists, Puke Ariki Museum
Furniture of the world - Bledisloe Walkway Lightboxes, Artist Project, Auckland City Council, Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland
Out of the box - group exhibition of NZ printmakers from Solander works on paper, including Pandora’s cupboard, Tweed River Art Gallery Murwillumbah, Australia
Critical penetralia - solo exhibition, Solander, works on paper gallery, Te Whanganui-a-Tara - Wellington
Eternal realities - two-person exhibition, Solander, Te Whanganui-a-Tara - Wellington
Group show including Eternal realties series, Cityart, Ōtautahi - Christchurch
The Art of Architecture - group show, Percy Thompson Gallery, Stratford
The Big Picture - group show, Large format work by various Taranaki artists including MO-wallpaper, Percy Thompson Gallery, Stratford
View finder - group show, Forty years of the GBAG collection including Impermanent forms 1970, and Diving board (1972-98), Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, Ngāmotu - New Plymouth
Eternal measures - solo exhibition, Cityart, Ōtautahi - Christchurch
Monumental obsessions & Eternal measures - solo exhibition, Bath Street Gallery, Parnell, Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland
Monumental obsessions; wallpaper - The Cameo Wall Project, Te Tuhi-the mark, Manukau City Gallery, Auckland
Monumental obsessions - solo exhibition, Grodentz, works on paper, Te Whanganui-a-Tara - Wellington
Heatwave - group show, recent additions to the permanent collection including Diving board (1972-98), Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, Ngāmotu - New Plymouth
Action replay - group show, revisiting post object art of the 1970s including Diving board (1972-98), Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, Ngāmotu - New Plymouth (acquired for GBAG collection, 1998)
Familiar monuments – artist project, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, Ngâ Motu - New Plymouth
Monolandscapes - solo exhibition, Lesley Kreisler Gallery, Ngāmotu - New Plymouth
Three artists - summer show, Gallery 79, Hawera
How am I placed - part of Looking Good; celebrating Taranaki’s cultures and identities, curator Robert Leonard, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, Ngāmotu - New Plymouth
Five artists - Gallery 79, Hawera
Christmas group exhibition - Gallery 79, Hawera
Drawing show - 6 Dec 75 – 14 Dec 75 Project Programme 7: Current work from the studios of Maree Horner, Paul Hartigan, Nicholas Oram, Alan Harold, Eion Stevens, Robert Kempen, Ian McMillan, Diana Wall, etc; Auckland City Art Gallery
Five pieces - MFA exhibition, Elam, Auckland University
Sculpture-scape - Mildura sculpture triennial, Mildura, Australia Probe acquired for permanent collection in Mildura
Devonport environmental sculpture exhibition & competition - Winning entry
Documentation from NZ - installation and environmental work, Paris Biennale
Three situations - environmental installation, Bledisloe Place, Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland, with David Brown and Bruce Barber
Permanent and Impermanent Forms, photographic documentation of Domain drawings, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, Ngāmotu - New Plymouth
Chair - 1973/2019 - Anderson Rhodes Gallery, Ngâ Motu - New Plymouth (acquired for AAG collection, 2020)
Necessary substratum - Anderson-Rhodes Gallery, Ngâ Motu - New Plymouth
Furniture of the world - Bledisloe Walkway Lightboxes, Artist Project, Auckland City Council
Critical penetralia - Solander, works on paper, Te Whanganui-a-Tara - Wellington.
Eternal measures - Cityart, Ōtautahi - Christchurch
Monumental obsessions & Eternal measures - solo exhibition, Bath Street Gallery, Parnell, Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland
Monumental obsessions-wallpaper - cameo project, Te Tuhi, Pakuranga, Manukau City
Monumental obsessions - solo exhibition, Grodentz, works on paper, Te Whanganui-a-Tara - Wellington.
Familiar monuments - artist project, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, Ngâ Motu - New Plymouth
Monolandscapes - solo exhibition, Lesley Kreisler Gallery, Ngâ Motu - New Plymouth